BAP offers extensive, stimulating drama training for students of all ages who are interested in pursuing an acting career. Our classes help you to discover your full potential as an actor/actress, live a more fulfilling confident life, and achieve your dreams! 

Black arts in london

Interested in seeing how we work? Come and attend one of our acting classes in North London. We’ll work together to find the very best way of getting you the exposure and confidence needed to kickstart and sustain your acting career.



You will learn and implement:


Improvisation, scriptwriting, sight-reading, monologues and more!

Fill the Form To Join a class or register your child

#BAPStories - drama Class reviews

From boosting confidence to building a powerful network, there are numerous benefits to attending the BAP Adult and Junior Drama Classes. #BAPStories is a collection of first-hand feedback from past, present, and current students who have experienced the growth and transformation that comes with being part of the BAP community.